
【NGS ver.2インタビュー】数年ぶりにメディアに登場! 開発・運営チームのトップ木村裕也氏に『NGS Ver.2』の展望を聞く


 セガは、サービス中のオンラインRPG『PSO2 ニュージェネシス(NGS)』で、超進化アップデート『NGS ver.2』を6月7日に実施します。


  • ▲シリーズプロデューサーの木村裕也氏。

⇒translated English version from here.



 『ファンタシースターオンライン2 ニュージェネシス』シリーズプロデューサーの木村です。セガ入社当時から、『ファンタシースター』シリーズに携わっていました。最初は『ファンタシースターオンライン』(ゲームキューブ版)のプランナーとして参加していて、『ファンタシースターポータブル2』ではディレクターを務めています。『PSO2』はサービスインするまでのディレクター、その後はシリーズディレクターをしていて、『NGS』からはシリーズプロデューサーという立場でやらせてもらっています。



――『NGS Ver.2』発表のタイミングで、再びメディアに出てくることになった理由を教えてください。













 『NGS』サービスイン時に多くの新規ユーザーが獲得できた動向を見ても、ゲーム自体が古いという印象は、当時それほどなかったのではないかと思います。コンテンツ不足であったり、競合タイトルと比較して「思っていたのと違うな」と感じて離れていった方がほとんどじゃないでしょうか。ただ、『NGS』として2年が経過しているので古いタイトルだなと感じることはあるかもしれません。そういった意味で、『NGS Ver.2』として仕切り直したい部分はありますね。

  • ▲『NGS ver.2』では、遊びやすくなるさまざまなアップデートも入ります。

『NGS Ver.2』になった意図は

――『NGS Ver.2』で発表されている内容を見ると、バトル以外の部分に力を入れている印象があります。これはどういった意図でしょうか?































 はい。実現できるかわからなかったので、仕事が早めに終わって手が空いているときにやってもらえればという感じでしたね。去年の後半に入った頃に、ちょっとできてきてるんで見てくださいと言われて、そうしたら思った以上にできていたんです。では、これを開発スケジュールに組み込んでいこうということになって、結果的に『NGS Ver.2』の配信とタイミングが一致しました。

――では、『NGS Ver.2』は“クリエイティブスペース”と“ポータブルホログラム”がメインという予定だったんですね。

 じつは、『NGS Ver.2』という形でのアップデートは当初から予定していたわけではありません。“クリエイティブスペース”は配信することは決まっていて、そこにトゥーン表示と“ポータブルホログラム”がスケジュールに入ってきたんです。今までの『NGS』とは違う新しいものが配信できるようになったことで、『NGS Ver.2』という位置づけにしようと決めました。








 メインストーリー5章をプレイされた方なら、アレのことだとわかるでしょう。『NGS Ver.2』と同時にストーリーの配信もあって、そこに関わってくるエネミーです。それから、6月14日の配信でエアリオに出現するようになります。






――『NGS Ver.2』ではバランス調整や新フォトンアーツ(PA)の追加などはあるのでしょうか。

 インタビュー掲載時には公開されていますが、クラスのバランス調整は実施します。あとは、クラススキルの追加もあります。新PAに関しては、『NGS Ver.2』配信の段階ではありません。









――これは個人的な質問ですが、『NGS Ver.2』の配信でどれくらい容量が増えるのか気になります。


――そのほか、『NGS Ver.2』配信のタイミングではどのようなアップデートを予定していますか?




















 『NGS』初期の頃はなかなかユーザーさんの期待に応えることができなくて、本当に申し訳ありません。開発が表に出てきて謝罪するべきというご意見もありましたが、我々のなかの方針もありまして、このタイミングとなってしまいました。『NGS』が2周年を迎えることができたのはユーザーのみなさんのおかげです。我々もユーザーさんのご意見を伺いながら2年間やってきて、ようやく『PSO2』の延長ではない新しいものとして『NGS Ver.2』を送り出せる体制ができました。遊んでいただいているユーザーさんはもちろんのこと、『NGS』初期に離れてしまった方、これまでの『PSO2』や『NGS』には興味がなかったという方にも、この機会に触れていただければ幸いです。ぜひとも、周りにお声がけしていただいて、『NGS Ver.2』を一緒に楽しんでいただければなによりです。


Interview with Yuya Kimura, head of the PSO2 NGS development and operations teams, on the outlook of NGS Ver.2!

 SEGA is launching NGS Ver.2, an ultra evolution update for its online RPG PSO2 New Genesis (NGS), on Wednesday, June 7th.

 Before the update launches, we were able to speak with series producer Yuya Kimura for an interview. Here’s the interview in full.

After 5 Years, Back in Front of Players

――As this is the first time you’ve spoken with the media since NGS launched, would you mind introducing yourself again?

 My name is Kimura, and I’m the series producer for PSO2 NGS. I have been involved with the Phantasy Star series ever since I joined SEGA. I first joined as a planner for PSO on the GameCube, and then worked as a director for PSPo2. I served as a director for PSO2 until it’s launch, and afterwards I became the series director. I have been the series producer ever since NGS.

――Now you’re in charge of the development team?

 I am responsible for both development and operations.

――Please tell us why you’ve decided to speak with the media again at the timing of the NGS Ver.2 announcement?

 First, for PSO2, at the time things within the game weren’t good, and as I often couldn’t explain things well or made inappropriate remarks during official broadcasts, I lost my credibility.

 Originally, the intention of developers appearing publicly was to directly convey our thoughts. However, with my loss of credibility, there were instances where my statements were misunderstood or where players found it difficult to see others criticizing us. It’s one thing for me to be judged harshly, but we didn’t want this to affect the credibility of the title itself or deteriorate the relationship between players.

――I see.

 Also, development for NGS had already started around the time of PSO2 Ep 5, and it was decided that I would serve as the series producer, so I wanted to focus on game development under a new system. It’s because of these complex reasons that I refrained from making appearances. I maintained that policy after the launch of NGS, however there was an increasing demand for direct contact with the development team. Within Japan, there were those who understood the circumstances, but it has been three years since the launch of the global version of PSO2. As there has been no appearances from the development team during that time, I began to reconsider making appearances again.

――Was this something you decided, Mr. Kimura?

 We had several discussions in meetings involving the operations team and marketing staff. As a result, in consideration of improving the situation regarding a lack of content in NGS, and the opportunity of reaching the two-year milestone, I decided to make an appearance in order to express my gratitude to our supportive players.

――Is this the only time you’ll be making an appearance?

 Basically, Hiro Arai shares the latest updates in the show NGS Headline, and we aren’t planning on changing that format. I believe it would be good to have opportunities to convey messages at key points, but I will carefully consider whether it may have any negative impact on the player community.

――This is just my personal impression, but I feel like the number of negative comments on YouTube for NGS Headline has decreased.

 It is possible that perception has changed over time. Also, this is the first time I’ve made an appearance for global players, and we have a lot of new players who started with NGS.

――How many players got their start with NGS?

 In terms of domestic players within Japan, approximately 30% of the monthly active players started with NGS, and it can exceed 40% when there’s a major update. However, I still believe there is room to attract new players.

――As it’s been 10 years since PSO2, are there any challenges that comes with the title’s age?

 Looking at the trend of getting many new players at the time of NGS’s launch, I feel like, at the time, there wasn’t that much of an impression of the game being that old. I think that most of the players who stopped playing did so because they were disappointed at the lack of content, or that the game was different from what they were expecting, compared to competing titles. However, as it has been two years since NGS was released, maybe now there’s a sense that it’s an old title. In that sense, NGS Ver.2 represents a fresh start.

The Intention Behind NGS Ver.2

――Looking at the content shown since NGS Ver.2 was announced, personally it seems that you’re putting more effort into things other than combat. What is the intent behind this?

 As I said before I believe there are still many new players out there. We’d like for some of these players who perhaps don’t know NGS or haven’t had an interest in it to give the game a try. We felt that the updates we had in the past would not resonate with these players, so we’ve included content that’s different from what we’ve had in NGS up to now, such as cel shading. An increase in players would be good not only for us, but for the existing players as well.

――I was under the impression that the Creative Space was a response to the demand for Personal Quarters, but it seems that it’s quite well designed.

 Speaking about the background, we considered what we’d retain from PSO2 when developing NGS. We felt that the Personal Quarters were low priority, and that we’d implement them eventually. However, when NGS launched we found that the demand for them was far greater than we’d anticipated, so we realized that we needed to prioritize it. On the other hand, in the initial stages of NGS I felt that there was a lot of content that couldn’t exceed players expectations in terms of changes from PSO2. Taking that into account, we felt that simply adding Personal Quarters within the scope of what everyone could imagine was no good, so we decided to create something that would subvert player expectations in a good way.

――It is true that in terms of the fundamental Personal Quarters, there haven’t been any major changes since Phantasy Star Universe.

 Another reason is the aspect of the gameplay experience. For online games, I believe that simply providing content unilaterally cannot fully satisfy the players' enjoyment and sense of awe. I think that by allowing players themselves to create new ways to play and expand the world, the experience can become even more enjoyable and long-lasting.

――Interacting with other players is also a fun aspect of online games.

 I felt that PSO2 players have a high affinity for this type of thing in seeing the characters and symbol art they create. In NGS we wanted to give players something of a similar scale that they could enjoy.

――I felt it was similar to crafting games, or games where you could create your own stages.

 Right, of course we used those types of games as a reference. Compared to those games the NGS graphics are rare, and there are few that offer a truly immersive multiplayer experience. Additionally, the fact that players can enjoy combat and other aspects of the game gives us a competitive advantage.

――Tell us about the reason why you decided to implement cel shading.

 As I observed competing titles from other companies, I felt that the number of games with cartoon-like graphics has been increasing every year. The technology for cartoon rendering itself has improved, allowing for more natural expressions in the world of animation. Cel shading (a technique that makes 3D animation appear as 2D animation) has also been widely accepted. When considering how to approach character creation next, I wondered if we could incorporate this into NGS. So, I discussed this idea with several staff members as an open-ended task.

――So, it wasn’t something that was planned.

 That’s right. We didn’t know if we could actually implement it, so when the team could finish their work a little early, they played around with it. Around the latter half of last year they said they’d made progress, so they asked me to take a look, and when I did I found they’d made more progress than I expected. So, we decided to incorporate it into the development schedule, and ultimately, we were able to include it with the release of NGS Ver.2.

――Were the Creative Space and the Portable Holograms planned to be the main content of NGS Ver.2?

 Actually, we originally didn’t have any plans for an update in the form of NGS Ver.2. We planned to release the Creative Space, and then we included cel shading and Portable Holograms. With the ability to deliver something new and different from the previous NGS, we decided to position this as NGS Ver.2.

――I’d like to ask about the new enemies. I believe this also relates to the story, but what can you tell us about them?

 Those who have played Chapter 5 of the main story will know what’s up. These are enemies who are involved with the story that will be delivered with NGS Ver.2. They will also start to appear in the Aelio region in the June 14st update.

――Is the next part of the story Chapter 6?

 Yes. Up to now the story updates had been delivered together with the region updates, but that left too big of a gap between updates. Moving forward, instead of completing one chapter in a single update we plan to release the story in sections, such as Chapter 6 Part 1, Chapter 6 Part 2, etc., at a pace of approximately once every two months. Additionally, from Chapter 6 we’re planning on focusing on the stories of individual characters.

――Indeed, the characters do feel less developed compared to PSO2.

 The amount of text itself is different from that of PSO2, and I regret that in the Mini Episodes as well, there hasn’t been a lot to really dig deep into these characters.

What Developments Await in the Future

――Will there be balance adjustments and new Photon Arts (PA) in NGS Ver.2?

 It will be released by the time this interview is published, but we will be making class balance adjustments, as well as adding class skills. We will not be adding any new PA’s with the NGS Ver.2 update.

――Are there any plans for new classes?

 To be honest, there are no definite plans yet. We have finally delivered all of the classes that were in PSO2, so we’re still thinking about what to do moving forward. We would like to add a new class, but we’re still considering new weapon categories to create, so this will take a bit of time.

――Will you get it done within the year?

 No, that would be impossible. It really is still under consideration.

――That’s too bad. Next question – we can only fight Zephetto Venogia in the story, but will it be possible to fight him in the future?

 You’ll be able to fight him in multiplayer in the not-too-distant future.

――Are there any plans to add a new region?

 We currently don’t have any plans to regularly add things such as large regions in the future. However, we may add new maps to accompany new content.

――What other updates do you have planned with the timing of the NGS Ver.2 release?

 We will be unlocking the level caps and adding 9 ★ weapons. Also, we’ll be releasing a Sonic the Hedgehog collaboration quest on June 21st.

――What can you tell us about the road map for the future?

 July marks the 11th anniversary of PSO2, and we will be releasing a Limited-Time Quest for that. It will be a little different from the quests up to now, with an emphasis on the playful elements. We will also have NGS cosmetic items for Hitsugi and Enga, as well as a reissue of the Matoi and [Persona] Special Scratch that was released last year.

――I believe there will be a new content update in August, what can you tell us about that?

 This is content that will use the Leciel map. It will be multiplayer content, with a strong emphasis on random elements so that players can enjoy trying it again and again. This is content geared towards our core players, but not quite on the same level as Duel Quests. It will be something everyone can enjoy, with some strategic elements involved.

――Will the reward be 9 ★ weapons?

 It will be. Opportunities to get 9 ★ weapons will be limited, so it will be the highlight of the rewards. We are also preparing a high-difficulty multiplayer quest for August. However, this is a challenging quest even for us, so it’s going to be very difficult. It will feature a new type of enemy whose attacks cannot be countered or dodged. In order to fight them, you’ll have to memorize their movements, so this will make for a different type of combat than before.

――Is it so strong that even the dev team would be surprised if we beat it?

 It’s not that strong. I imagine that only a small percentage of players will be able to beat it until the strategy becomes more widely known. However, I don’t think that anyone will be able to beat it on their first try.

――Is there anything else you can tell us?

 We’ll be releasing Alliance Spaces in August. In terms of functionality, it’s about the same as the Creative Space, but just for your Alliance.

Difficulties Unique to the Global Version

――What are some of the challenges in simultaneously developing the global version?

 One is that we need to localize it, so we have to prepare things faster than when we released the Japanese version first. Another reason is cultural differences, so there are expressions and graphics that would not be problematic in Japan but may be problematic elsewhere. It can be challenging during the development stage, as things are checked, corrected, and things that were made may have to be deleted.

――Are there any differences in preferences when it comes to the Japanese and global versions?

 Basically, there aren’t really any major differences in feedback regarding the content, however the global players tend to not like the shorter quests. They may feel like it’s a grind to play them over and over again in a short amount of time.

――Finally, is there anything you’d like to say to the players?

 I’d like to truly apologize for not being able to meet players expectations in the early days of NGS. There were some opinions that the dev team should come out publicly and apologize, and we had our own ideas, so the timing ended up being now. It’s thanks to our players that we’re here, able to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of NGS. Over the past two years we have been listening to player feedback, and we have finally established a system to deliver NGS Ver.2 as something new, and not just an extension of PSO2. I would be very happy if not only our current players who are enjoying the game but also those who drifted away during the early stages of NGS, as well as those who have had no interest in PSO2 or NGS up to now, could take this opportunity to experience the game. I would be very grateful if you could spread the word and enjoy NGS Ver.2 together.

――Thank you very much.

■『PSO2 ニュージェネシス』パッケージ版


