
會津卓也さんが考えるインディーの魅力とは!? ダウンロードタイトルの市場やメリットとデメリットを語る



→translated English version from here.(英訳版)



















 さらにですが、Nintendo Switchなどの携帯ゲーム機が特にそうだと思うのですが、持ち運んでいる時や遊んでいる時にカートリッジやCD-ROMを入れ替えるのは手間じゃないですか。




――個人的にはPS Vita以降、いろいろなタイトルを入れたいので大きめのメモリを買うケースが増えました。

 ちょっと別の話ですが、最近のゲームはどれも容量が大きいですよね。弊社が作っている『マイティガンヴォルト バースト』は40MBくらいしかないですよ。メガバイトですよ(笑)。まあ、『マイティガンヴォルト バースト』は、弊社の新エンジンでやっているため、容量がかなり少なくできているのですが、

▲『マイティガンヴォルト バースト』

 『ブラスターマスター ゼロ』は280MBくらいはあります……作るジャンルにもよりますが、インディーゲームであれば、64GBとか128GB程度のSDカードがあれば余裕だと思いますね。もちろん3DゴリゴリのAAAタイトルであれば、もっと容量は必要だと思いますが。

▲『ブラスターマスター ゼロ』








 ちょうど2013年に、シアトルで行われたPAX Primeに稲船敬二さんと一緒に行って、Kickstarter(キックスターター)で『Mighty No.9』を立ち上げたんですけど、その時にIndie MEGABOOTHを訪れたのですね。そうしたら昔懐かしい日本のゲームにソックリなタイトルがたくさん並んでいて、しかもそれをみんなが「これ買う!」、「いいね!」と楽しそうにコミュニケーションを取っていたんです。そのタイトルをどこで売っているかというと、Steamだったんですね。

 このころ、ニンテンドー3DSで『蒼き雷霆(アームドブルー) ガンヴォルト』を作っていました。弊社はPC上で作ったものをニンテンドー3DSに移植するのではなく、ニンテンドー3DSのターゲット上でソフトを開発するんです。そのため、デモンストレーションで開発中のゲームのPC版を見せてほしいと言われても見せられないのが普通です。なので、Steamと言う販売方法は難しかったんです。




▲『蒼き雷霆(アームドブルー) ガンヴォルト』






 例えばNintendo Switchのローンチで出した『ブラスターマスター ゼロ』は、私の知り得る限り、北米、欧州、日本と地域別に出荷しているNintendo Switchの分布と同じようなリージョン分布で売れていると分析しています。




 ああ、“Tokyo Indie Fest”の話ですね。それなんですが、話が一人歩きしちゃっているので説明できればと思います。国内の販売数を見ると『ガンヴォルト爪』は売れているんですね。ストーリーものの続編は、前作の7割くらい売れれば成功と思っているのですが、そういう視点から見るとそれ以上にと売れています。安心してください。

 実は“Tokyo Indie Fest”で公聴されていた方は、ほとんど海外の方だったんですね。そのため、日本国内向けというよりは、どちらかといえば日本在住なんだけどネイティブアメリカンの人やTwitchで見ている方など、グローバルな視点の講演でした。そんなこともあって、国内の販売事情ではなく、海外の販売事情について私が触れました。



 海外市場はPS4は伸び盛りです。そんなこともあり、『ぎゃる☆がん だるぶぴーす』の海外版に関しては相対的に売れているデータがあるんです。当時はPS4だけでなく、PS Vitaもそれなりに売れていましたね。さすがに海外でPS Vitaは動かなくなりましたが、PS4版は今でも売れています。






 はい、今回もタッグを組んでやっています。ホームページの方にもPublished by PQubeと書いてあるんで、気づいていらっしゃる方は気づいていると思います。

『ブラスターマスター ゼロ』発売にこぎつけたのは奇跡が重なったため!?



 予想していたように、一定数ダウンロードされています。国内では『メタファイト』という名前で出せばもう少しダウンロードされたかもしれないのですが、これは版元であるサンソフト(サン電子株式会社のブランド名)さんとの協議で決めたことです。最終的にタイトル名をどうするかを決める時に、国内は『メタファイト ゼロ』、海外は『ブラスターマスター ゼロ』とすると、情報に敏いユーザーにとってもわかりづらいタイトルになってしまうので統一したいと考えました。統一するなら、海外ですごく人気があるので、『ブラスターマスター ゼロ』だろうと。



――話が前後しますが、『ブラスターマスター ゼロ』はどのような経緯で開発することになったのですか。




 その後、米国で行われたE3 2015(Electronic Entertainment Expo 2015)で、朝食のためにカフェテリアに行く途中、サン電子さんのプロデューサーの方が会場に入れず、Nintendo of Americaさんとの打ち合わせに向かえずに困っている現場に通りかかりました。たまたま、私の知り合いを通すことで引き合わせることができたんですね。







 当初、ニンテンドー3DSで作ることが企画として固まっている状態だったのですが、新ハード(後のNintendo Switch)が発表されるらしいというタイミングだったため、もしかしたらNintendo Switchに移植できるタイミングになるかもしれないという話になりました。ニンテンドー3DS版を作り始めていていき、その2カ月後の10月にNintendo Switchが発表されたので、すぐに移植のための機材を購入して、ローンチに間に合わせました。

――Nintendo Switchのローンチに発売され、注目度は高かったですね。

 はい。日本ではローンチで出したということもあって、注目度が非常に高かったです。また、海外では今でもNintendo Switchのダウンロードタイトルは活発です。例えば8月のある週では、1週間に14本のインディータイトルが出た日があるんですね。そんなこともあり、さすがに目立たなくなりつつあるんですが、発売当時はすごく注目されました。
















 私は、先ほど話に上がった『ショベルナイト』を作ったYacht Club Gamesさんを非常にリスペクトしています。彼らがやったことを真似たところから始まり、それをそのまま続けていったところに現状があるというイメージです。



 『ガンヴォルト』とのコラボは、日本版『ショベルナイト』が任天堂さんの販売で出るタイミングで話が進みました。その時、amiibo(アミーボ)を推しているタイミングだったので、「amiiboでコラボなんてどうでしょう?」と相談したところ、任天堂さまのニーズにマッチしたうえに、Yacht Club Gamesさんからも二つ返事でご快諾いただきました。


 それがあったため、次の『ブラスターマスター ゼロ』でキャラクターコラボが成立しました。さらにいうと、その間に海外版のニンテンドー3DS版『Azure Striker GUNVOLT : STRIKER PACK』(『ガンヴォルト』の海外名)はYacht Club Gamesさんに流通をしてもらっているのです。


 我々がダウンロード販売を検討していたら『ショベルナイト』を出されていたり、プロモーションでYacht Club Gamesさんを参考にしていたりするくらい、我々は彼らをリスペクトしているんですよね。

 初めて彼らの会社にお会いしに行った時のことですが、夕方だったのでその後にみんなでディナーに行ったんですね。実は私がカプコン時代に『ブレス オブ ファイアII』を作っていたんですよと話すと、そのYacht Club Gamesのマネージメントをされている方が『ブレス オブ ファイア』の大ファンで、逆にリスペクトしてもらいました(笑)。




今後のダウンロードゲームの行方は? Kickstarterの難しさとは?



























 初めてあのタイトルを見たのはおそらく、3年くらい前でした。2014年くらいのGame Developers Conference(GDC)の近くでマイクロソフトさまがショーケース“ID@Xbox”をやっていたんですね。その一番奥の一番大きなスクリーンで『Cuphead』が動いていました。そのころ、情報を知らなかったので、「えらい丁寧に作っているな。たぶん好きな人が作っているんだろうな」と思ったんですよね。



















――御社のDLCといえば、『ブラスターマスター ゼロ』が印象的でした。配信から2週間は無料で、それから有料というやり方。欲しいDLCにお金を出すのは個人的にためらわないのですが、この手法はいいと思いましたね。買っていなかった人が買うきっかけにもなりますし。

インタビュー インタビュー

 そこは工夫してやったところでもあります。『ブラスターマスター ゼロ』はただ配信することがインディっぽくないと思っていたんですね。これは私の“インディー感”であって、皆さんの考えるインディー感ではないかもしれないんですが。



 そこをWayForwardさんとYacht Club Gamesさんが気持ちよく「いいよ」と言ってくださったのは、やっぱりお互いにインディーパブリッシャ、ゲームメーカーとしてやっているからこそ、共通する思いがあったのではないかなと思っています。








■“ゆるゆるトーク ターゲットはあい津だ!(仮)”第16回ゆく年くる年
【配信日時】2017年12月20日 21:00~
Youtube Live(https://www.youtube.com/user/inticreates/live

Digital games have obtained citizenship... We talk about the state of the marketplace.(英訳版)

――To speak about indie games, there are a wide variety of titles, and there are as many ways to think about them. What is your way of thinking about them?


 With just the word "indie," you have a huge variety of games tied together by one label. But for me, that vagueness is the great thing about indie games.

 For example, you have a company like ours with a great deal of experience making console games and the development resources to make high quality games. In that same space, you also have mobile games developed entirely by a single person. All of that is included in the label of "indie" and I think that's great.

――Though it goes without saying, Inti Creates' games certainly are high quality.


 Thank you very much. We are not a company that makes AAA games. Of the games we are hired to make, they are often aimed at younger players. However, we always take great care in developing those games.

 The younger customers who will support the entire games industry in the future should be treated properly. There is a sense of danger that the entire industry could disappear, so it's important to develop those games for small children... Well, "Gal*Gun" is definitely not included there (laughs). But we do want to create games for that younger audience, so we take on projects from outside with that in mind.

――While that target might be easy to understand, I get the sense that reaching that audience can be difficult.

 Promoting to small children is difficult, with expensive TV commercials and magazine promotions being necessary. As an indie, that's especially difficult. Indies tend to target an older audience.

――What are your feelings on the current marketplace for downloadble games?

 It feels like they've earned their citizenship. Even now among users who prefer physical games, I believe there is a reason why digital games have been able to sell as well as they have. My reason would be smartphones.



 That's right. Smartphone games have no physical versions and are download-only. As users get more comfortable with those apps, it's not surprising that they eventually start to think, "Are digital games for consoles that bad?" While everyone is different, I think that barrier will eventually get broken down.

 Also, with the Nintendo Switch and other handheld consoles, it's even more true, since carrying and changing cartridges or CDs on the go is especially annoying.

――I totally get that.

 You can play a digital game anytime, anywhere. Also, for games that you boot up, play a bit and stop, progressing a little bit every day, it makes a lot of sense as a digital title.

――Personally, since the PS Vita, I've wanted to have a lot of different games available, so I find myself buying larger memory cards.

 On that topic, lately games have really gotten large. You know, our game "Mighty Gunvolt Burst" is only about 40MB. Megabytes!(Laughs) Well, "Mighty Gunvolt Burst" was made with our new engine, so we were able to keep the size pretty small.


 "Blaster Master Zero" is about 280MB... While it depends on the genre, for indie games, a 64GB or 128GB SD card would be plenty. Of course, for AAA games with lots of 3D, you'd need more space.


Players' smiles are the reason for digital games

――To return a bit, do you feel that the marketplace has changed since the coming of smartphones?

 I believe it has changed considerably. The expanding smartphone marketplace and the shrinking console space is not just a future everyone can see, but our current reality.

 As stores close, gamers will have less opportunity to buy games in person. Of course internet sales are a factor, but within that is a chance for digital titles as well.

 Another factor is the increasing number of internet connected households. The barrier to buying digital games that players feel will begin to crumble and the market will establish itself firmly, or so I think. Actually, I'm not entirely confident it will work like that. (Laughs)

――When exactly was it that you thought, "We can make digital games work"?

 When I saw how Steam was doing in America. A while ago, I was told that Steam was very popular and, "If you put your game on Steam, it'll sell." There are many people who buy PC games digitally.

 In 2013, I went to PAX Prime in Seattle with Keiji Inafune when the Mighty No. 9 Kickstarter had just begun. We visited the Indie MEGABOOTH and saw many titles that looked just like old Japanese games. There were so many people who saw them and excitedly said, "I'm buying this! Wow!" to each other. And those games were all being sold on Steam.

 At that time, we were developing "Azure Striker Gunvolt" for the Nintendo 3DS. We weren't developing for PCs and then porting it to 3DS; the 3DS was our target platform, so we couldn't produce a demo for a PC version at the drop of a hat. Because of that, the path to selling it on Steam would be difficult.

――I see.

 Even though we learned that making and selling retro-style games on Steam was viable, it would be difficult for us. However, at that time, I heard that "Shovel Knight" was doing really well as a digital title on 3DS, so I thought, "Then let's try selling Gunvolt on the 3DS eShop," and that's the route we took.


――What was the reaction from customers when you announced that?

 When we announced "Gunvolt," it had been a long time since a major company had released a 2D side-scrolling action game. With that, and our company's long history of creating games in that style, we received a lot of attention.

 The genre has many fans overseas and in America, so the response there was amazing. We had expected it to an extent, but we were still a bit surprised.

――From my impression, it's a genre with many dedicated fans.

 Certainly. However, there is a certain ratio of those dedicated fans worldwide.

 For example, with the launch of the Nintendo Switch, we released "Blaster Master Zero" alongside it. To the best of my understanding, in North America, Europe, and Japan, the number of copies sold corresponded to a certain percentage of the total number of consoles sold in the respective region.

 I realized it was more than, "It sold really well because of Japan," or "It sold really well because of North America and Europe," but rather that those fans of retro-style games exist as a fixed percentage of players in a region that doesn't change.

――About "Gunvolt," though the first title had a good reception, I recall that the second title didn't do very well... Was that true both in Japan and overseas?


 Oh, my talk from "Tokyo Indie Fest." About that, please allow me to explain a bit. Domestically, "Gunvolt 2" sold well. As a direct story sequel from the previous game, it could be considered a success if it sold 70% of the previous game's sales. By that metric, it managed to sell over those expectations, so please don't worry.

 At "Tokyo Indie Fest," the audience actually consists mostly of people from overseas. A large portion of the audience are resident Americans and foreigners watching on Twitch, so it was more appropriate to give a talk from that viewpoint. So, instead of speaking about domestic sales, I touched on the overseas sales figures.

 Looking at overseas figures, in 2016, the Nintendo 3DS had largely stalled in sales. Because of that, 2014 and 2016 presented very different markets on the platform. In that environment, games selling on the Nintendo eShop faced a difficult struggle, and that is what I was speaking on.

――I see.

 In overseas markets, the PS4 is growing. To that effect, we have data for the overseas sales of "Gal*Gun Double Peace." At that time, it wasn't just the PS4 version selling well, but the PS Vita version as well. And now overseas, the PS Vita has stalled, but the PS4 version still sells today.

 Of course, the 3DS isn't the only reason for Gunvolt's slow sales. And the PS4 is only one factor for Gal*Gun's success. Another reason could be that overseas creators don't make games like Gal*Gun.

――You certainly don't see them.


 You really don't. So when games like Gal*Gun are brought overseas without any changes, I believe they have a sort of freshness to them. UK-based publisher PQube sells Gal*Gun overseas for us, and we are very thankful for their efforts.

――You're also working together with them for "2".

 Yes, we're working together this time, too. Those in the know may notice on the game homepage that it reads "Published by PQube."

The stars aligned for Blaster Master Zero!?

――"Blaster Master" is a popular game overseas, so it makes sense if it was targeted there, but did it perform as well in Japan?


 As we expected, it did sell a certain amount in Japan. If we had released it domestically using the name "Meta Fight,"

it's possible it could have sold more, but that was a decision we reached together with Sunsoft (a brand owned by SUNCORPORATION). Eventually, we decided that naming the game "Meta Fight Zero" in Japan and "Blaster Master Zero" overseas would create confusion, even for informed customers, so we went with a single name worldwide. And due to its popularity overseas, we decided on "Blaster Master Zero."

 Even so, there were people in Japan saying, "What is Blaster Master?" There was a plan for a PR campaign to inform customers that "'Blaster Master' is 'Meta Fight'," but that was such a roundabout way of promoting the game that we decided against it.

 In the end, even without saying "Meta Fight," dedicated Meta Fight fans already know what "Blaster Master" is. If they don't, it's easy to figure out. For those fans, if they are still playing games, I'm sure they'd buy it as soon as they found out there was a new game in the series.

――To go back in time a bit, how did development on "Blaster Master Zero" come to start?

 For brands, or rather IP (intellectual properties), simply holding them will cause fans to forget, and eventually they will die. Because of that, the names need to be used or similar games need to be made somewhat regularly. SUNCORP is very aware of this, so they were looking to reboot "Blaster Master" to keep the memory of it alive among gamers.

 With that in mind, they were looking for someone to make a side-scrolling action-adventure game—practically a bullseye for us. We met through our Nagoya branch office, which belongs to the Game Academics and Industries Relationship Association (GAIRA) in Nagoya. There, we had the chance to meet with SUNCORP's staff directly who asked, "So, will you make it?" However, at the time our development team had their hands entirely full, so we told them, "We'll think about it," as a polite way of half-refusing (laughs).

――I see (laughs).

 Some time after that, at E3 2015 in North America, I happened to pass a producer from SUNCORP on my way to breakfast. He was having trouble entering the meeting area to meet with Nintendo of America. By chance, I was able to help this acquaintance of mine get to where he needed to go.

 After that, again on my way to the cafeteria, I passed by the table where SUNCORP and NOA were meeting. The meeting wasn't very lively, and was unexpectedly quiet. If the people meeting aren't excited, it can't go anywhere, right?

――That's true.


 I later went to the producer and asked, "What happened?" He told me, "The proposal was fine, but we need more exciting ideas for the game." I asked, "What if we made it?" "If Inti made it, that'd be perfect!" We decided it just like that.

――It's an amazing story.

 What's more, our native English staff who I was with on this trip had severe back pain and couldn't move at that time. So all the interviews and meetings we had needed to be canceled, and I was free all day. And during that time I ran into the producer and just happened to pass by that meeting. The stars aligned for this project to begin.

 At the beginning, it was planned that the game would release on the Nintendo 3DS, but as the release of their new platform (Nintendo Switch) was coming soon and it seemed that we could match it, we decided to port it to Switch. We began development on the 3DS, and 2 months later in October the Nintendo Switch was announced. We immediately bought development kits and began work to release for launch.

――Releasing for the Nintendo Switch launch would get some attention.

 Right. Releasing for launch in Japan certainly got it extra attention. Also, even now the Switch is a popular platform for digital titles. For example, in one week in August, 14 indie titles came out on the same day. Obviously, it's harder to stand out in those circumstances, so the release timing really helped.

――For digital games, it's easy to get attention with a sale or immediately after release, but after that, unless someone searches for the game, it's hard to connect to an audience. What is your perspective on the pros and cons?

 For sure, those pros and cons are just like you said.

 For us, the biggest pro is that it's easy to release both in Japan and overseas. Basically, we don't need to deal with export or distribution, and can release to digital storefronts worldwide ourselves. It's very easy to deliver our games to players this way.

 Also, games remain available no matter how old they are. They may drop from rankings, but if you search, they are still there.

 As for cons, like you said earlier, it can be difficult to for your game to be discovered by people who don't already know about it. I believe reaching these customers is essential. If I have to, there's one more thing I can think of...

――What is that?


 I don't know if you'd call this a con, but if you want to get physical items to customers, you can't really do that with digital games. Even if you say, "Let's ship this out," the postage gets expensive.

 With physical games, you can ship items together with games through a distributor to deliver them that way. This way, for those dedicated fans who want physical items, a physical release makes more sense than a digital-only one. For digital games, the most you can do is something like a theme.


 For us, we sell game-related products through our site Inti Direct in Japan, and through our partners at "Fangamer" overseas. So for us, it is not too much of a "con," only if I had to think of one.

What about promotion?

――What do you do to mitigate the problem of exposure?

With digital sales, customers can't visit a store, get interested in the game's cover on the shelf, and buy it on the spot. I think it can be difficult to attract new players because of this.

For things we can do, we stream on Niconico Video, Twitch, and Youtube, as well as making our own trailers. We also post regularly to social media such as Twitter, Facebook, and our blog. As much as possible, we attend events overseas and hold panels to reveal big announcements and communicate with fans.

In regards to those activities, I have much respect for Yacht Club Games, the creators of "Shovel Knight." We followed their example in the beginning to expand our outreach to where it is today.

――Shovel Knight has crossed-over into Gunvolt and Blaster Master Zero. Did you propose this due to that respect?


 For the Shovel Knight crossover, we began discussing it around the time Nintendo was releasing Shovel Knight in Japan. They were promoting amiibo at that time as well, so the discussion became, "Why not do an amiibo feature?" This met Nintendo's needs as well, so Yacht Club Games quickly got on board.


 Because of that, we were also able to do the Blaster Master Zero character crossover. Also, around that time we worked with Yacht Club Games to distribute the Nintendo 3DS "Azure Striker Gunvolt: STRIKER PACK" overseas.

――So that's how things went.

 When doing research on digital games, Shovel Knight came up a lot, and we've also used Yacht Club Games as reference in promoting our games as well. We have much respect for them.

 The first time our companies met, it was evening so we went out for dinner afterward. It came up that I had worked on Breath of Fire II while at Capcom, and one of Yacht Club's management was a big Breath of Fire fan. Ironically, I ended up getting the respect that time (laughs).

 I believe having a relationship of mutual respect helps talks get off the ground faster.

――That way your efforts won't go to waste.

 While they are not mine alone, I also feel that way.

What's next for digital games? What about the difficulty of Kickstarter?

――In mobile, mainstream, and indie game markets, where do you see players trending?


 While the ways players purchase games on various platforms differ, they are still playing and enjoying those games just the same. For example, spending money on in-app purchases in a free game you enjoy doesn't mean you won't also play a game you pay for up-front.

 While I believe the systems can coexist, there is always a limit to a player's money. Someone who used to spend all their money on console games might have to divide their spending when they pick up a new platform.

――Also, even if you're playing games on your commute, there are only 24 hours in a day. Different games are competing for that limited time.

 If you're really pressed for time, you can play games on your phone while your console games are loading (laughs).

――As you manage development of your games and continue to develop them even after release, have you gotten any feedback from players?

 While we decline to do so, it is not that we are entirely opposed to selling our games to a publisher.

 However, we feel it is our responsibility to see the games that we have created entirely ourselves all the way through release and beyond. Communication with the people who bought our games is a part of that.

 While we'd love it if the players who spent their own money to play our games could continue playing them forever, we also don't want anyone to feel burned buying our games, so we continue updating them and adding DLC. As we see the faces of our customers more and more, we want to properly support our games after release.

 Whatever country I visit, no matter the event I go to, I get the same feeling when I see the same faces at events.

――You mean the players' happy faces?

 No. While there is that, I'm referring to seeing the same people visiting us time and again. For example, we do events in Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya. There are dedicated fans who come see us no matter where we are. Even though it's difficult to visit another country, in America, I'll see the same faces in Los Angeles, Seattle and Portland. It's like they're following us.

 When I see those people who pay such close attention to where we go to come visit us, I feel strongly, "We can't betray these fans!" Although, if we were to focus only on those dedicated fans, our scope could become too narrow and we could leave other players behind. It's important to keep these things in mind when making games.

――Even so, it must be encouraging.


 Of course. Also, lately during our live streams on Niconico and other places, I'm very thankful to those who take the time to comment. And while I'm thankful, there are kind of a lot of comments on our broadcasts. I believe there are people who always comment on our videos, and it's very encouraging. It's difficult to respond to all the comments while we're live, but I make sure to read them all afterward.

――Your company does so many different things on its own, as media we could learn a lot from you.

However, our aims our different, aren't they? For the media, your aim is to reach a wide audience, but as developers, we wish to reach our fans. With our streams, the distance between us and our fans is dramatically shortened, and I believe we should operate with this in mind.

――From physical to digital sales, is there anywhere left to go?

 I wonder. Thinking about the form of sales from here, with the expansion of firms like Amazon, distribution is getting fairly locked down. So, outside of downloading games, some would say the next step in easily getting games to customers is cloud gaming. However, response times would need to come down a bit first.

 Also, there is the problem of different controllers and devices. Every game is not playable on every platform. To console diehards, each controller has its own unique properties, and they would say games are made to take advantage of those specific properties.

 With those considerations, I find it difficult to imagine a distribution method that can surpass digital sales.

――Of games you've played recently, are there any you would consider ground-breaking?

 Recently, I would say "Cuphead." It is incredible.


 The first time I saw it was probably 3 years ago. In 2014, around the Game Developers Conference (GDC), Microsoft held their own showcase event called ID@Xbox. There, I saw Cuphead on the biggest screen way in the back. I didn't know anything about it, and thought to myself, "Wow, this is really well-made. It must be made by someone who loves these sorts of games."

 And every year since then I've seen it there and thought, "When is this game finally coming out?" (laughs)

 When it did come out, it almost immediately hit 1 million downloads. I thought, "So well-made games really do have a lot of value." I hope to follow the example of such a carefully-crafted game.

――I'm sure they had deadlines and sales targets, but being able to take your time to make the games you want, and recover funds as soon as the game is out would be unthinkable for a Japanese company; it really is amazing.

 Since the margins are high, there is a lot of possible profit. I'd love to make games like that. However, in the current market, I personally think it is difficult to get the leeway to manage that. Maybe with one of those "angel investors" from America (laughs). Without one of those, you can't really operate like that.

 In fact, collecting that money is why I think doing a Kickstarter is so difficult. Kickstarter investors are not only players, but also people in the industry, so by setting your initial goal too high, you risk being overlooked as being unrealistic. Setting your goal lower and promising more through stretch goals can bring in more money, but then you need to add on to the game. Adding more features will make the schedule tougher and you won't get that leeway.

――I see.

 I learned that getting the money to make a game up-front isn't so simple. Personally, I think a game that reaches it's initial goal and about one stretch goal would be easier to make. That's just my impression, though.

――Cuphead's craftsmanship is something else.

 It has a nostalgia that's different from other retro games. Retro games usually have pixel sprites or low-polygon counts, but its crisp animations and artwork with a different nostalgic quality make it very original. You don't see artwork like that much in Japan.

Plans for new DLC?!

――Do you have anything to announce regarding your company's current goals?


 That would have to be "Gal*Gun 2". We're currently working very hard to get it ready for its March 15th, 2018 release date. Of course, I'd love for people to play it.

 Also, we're working on DLC and updates for recent games, so for people who already have those, please look forward to that.

――What games would those be?

 It's only games that we have released by ourselves, but there a few of them. ... You'll have to wait for the announcements.

――Speaking of your DLC, Blaster Master Zero's are impressive. They are free for 2 weeks after release, and become paid after that. Personally, I wouldn't hesistate to pay for DLC I wanted, but I think this is a great method. It's a good chance even for people who haven't yet bought the game.

interview interview

 That was part of our plan. I didn't feel releasing Blaster Master Zero alone was very "indie." Of course, this was just my way of thinking, and everyone has a different idea of what "indie" means.


 At first, with "Gunvolt" and "Ekoro," we were using our own characters so it wasn't a problem. After that, with "Shantae" and "Shovel Knight," we were using IP from other companies. Normally you wouldn't lend someone else your characters and let them be released for free.

 However, we got an emphatic "Okay" from both WayForward and Yacht Club Games. I feel this was the spirit of our cooperation as fellow indie publishers and game makers coming through.

――It may have been a trust as fellow creators that you wouldn't mistreat their characters.

That's right. Of course they checked everything themselves as well...making sure the designs were correct and doing other supervision, so that they wouldn't look out of the ordinary at all.

――Any other announcements?


 We have our "Aitsuda" livestream on December 20th. We'll be looking back on 2017 as well as talking about some new information. We plan on trying out some new gameplay as well, so please check it out.


 Also for the new year, we're having a "Gal*Gun" related sale, so for anyone interested in purchasing, please take a look. Please support our games next year as well.

