
『METAL GEAR SURVIVE』是角プロデューサーインタビュー。新スタイルの『メタルギア』が明らかに


『メタルギア』シリーズの最新作として2016年8月にドイツで開催されたgamescomで発表されて以来、大きな注目を集めている『METAL GEAR SURVIVE』。

 今回は『メタルギア』シリーズのほか多数のタイトルにプログラマーとして携わり、『METAL GEAR RISING REVENGEANCE』、そして『METAL GEAR SURVIVE』でプロデューサーを務める是角有二氏にインタビューを実施。まだ謎の多い本作について『MGV』の誕生秘話から各モードの詳細を語っていただいた。

→translated English version from here.


 『METAL GEAR SURVIVE』は、世界中で高い評価を得ている『METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN(MGSV:TPP)』の世界観やアクションをベースとして開発されたスピンオフ作品。シリーズの大きな魅力である“ステルスアクション”はそのままに、“サバイバル”という新しいゲーム性を加え、これまでにないスタイルの『メタルギア』に仕上げられている。




――改めて『METAL GEAR SURVIVE(MGV)』の企画を立ち上げられた経緯について教えてください。

是角有二氏(以下、敬称略):『METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN(MGSV:TPP)』ではストーリーと同時に、システムやアクション性についてもたくさんのユーザーによろこんでいただけました。その評判のよかった部分を使って、何か新しい遊びを作れないか? ということで、ゲーム部分を特化させた企画として始まったのが発端になります。

 これまでにも本編のシステムを利用してオンラインによるマルチ対戦が楽しめる『METAL GEAR ONLINE(MGO)』など、新しい遊びを提案してきた経緯がありますので、そういう位置づけで考えていきました。








是角:世界観やストーリーについても、ゲーム部分を主軸にしました。『MGV』は迎撃・防衛ユニットなど、そういったものを自由に配置して楽しめるゲームにしたいというのがあり、それらが生かせる敵としては人間タイプだとうまくかみ合わなかったんです。それでクリーチャータイプの敵ならいいのでは? と、最初に敵のタイプが決まりました。





是角:物語は『METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES(MGSV:GZ)』のラスト、マザーベースの崩壊から始まりますが、それ以降はシリーズのストーリーと絡まないものになっています。

 コンセプトとしては『MGSV:GZ』のときにSIDE OPSという形で「ありえたかもしれないもうひとつの擬史」というのが出現しました。雷電がスナッチャーをせん滅するミッションや、『METAL GEAR SOLID』のローポリゴンモデルが登場するミッションがありましたよね。そういった形で『MGSV:GZ』から分岐したパラレルワールドという感覚で作っています。




















 最初は更地の状態ですが、ビルディングという機能で自分の戦略に合わせ、いろいろなものを自由に配置できますので、見た目はユーザー1人1人でまったく違うものになると思います。遊びの施設を建てたり、防衛ユニットをどこに作るのか? など、与えられた面積のなかで自由にビルディングしていただければと。














是角:ベースキャンプの周辺は比較的安全なエリアでエアタンクがなくても活動できますが、異世界の大部分は有毒な霧に覆われているので、その中を探索するときに必要になります。行きのぶんと同時に帰りぶんの酸素を考えて、どこで引き返すか? ということも気にする必要があります。サバイバルとしての飢餓感を味わいながら活動範囲を広げていくイメージですね。





是角:ご存知のように『MGSV』というのは、弊社の“FOX ENGINE”を使って制作しています。“FOX ENGINE”を使ったゲームの作り方ですが、ステージの形状を作ったあと、実際にプレイしながら障害物などの配置や撤去が簡単にできて、リアルタイムでバランス調整しながら制作できるようになっています。その調整の作業自体が単純におもしろくて、そこから「自由に物を配置して、ゲームの流れや戦略性を組み立てる」という遊びをゲームのコアとして新しい遊びを作ってみよう、というのがアイデアの元になっています。




――gamescom 2017出展バージョンをプレイしたとき、ロビーのような場所でじゃれ合えるのが楽しかったのですが、あの場所はどういった意図で作られたのですか?


































What are your thoughts behind METAL GEAR SURVIVE?(英訳版)

――First of all, tell us about how METAL GEAR SURVIVE (MGV) came to be.

Yuji Korekado:Well, in addition to METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN’s (MGSV: TPP) story, a lot of players enjoyed its systems and action elements as well. We wanted to take what players enjoyed about its gameplay and come up with a new way to experience those elements. So MGV started as a project to adapt MGSV: TPP’s gameplay.

We’ve taken game systems and introduced new elements to them before, such as for the online multiplayer METAL GEAR ONLINE (MGO), so we approached MGV in a similar fashion.

――When the game was revealed at gamescom in Germany in August 2016, there seemed to be a lot of negative opinions from fans of former METAL GEAR titles. How did you react to that?

Korekado:At the time, fans and gamers in general seemed to take MGV to be a continuation of the METAL GEAR series saga, and we caused that confusion. But after the game was announced, we gathered a group of hardcore gamers in Canada and did some focus testing of a prototype of MGV. The results were really positive. We were actually taken aback by how well it was received.

In particular, the players had a lot of good things to say about all the possibilities the game offers. We realized that rather than try to explain this game with words, the best way to understand it is to actually get your hands on it. So after we got that feedback, we decided to give people opportunities to play it so they can see what it’s like for themselves.

――The game was playable at E3, gamescom, and Tokyo Game Show this year. How do you feel now after those events?

Korekado:I was extremely happy to hear that those who played it had really good things to say about it. That being said, only a relatively small number of people have played it still, so I’d love for more players to experience just how fun the game is.


――Why did you decide to create a title with a worldview that’s so different from the main series?

Korekado:The world and the story revolve around the gameplay elements. With MGV, we wanted to create a game where you could place things like Interceptor and Defense units wherever you like, but human enemies didn’t work very well with that kind of mechanic. So then we thought, well how about some kind of creature type enemies? So the first thing we decided on was the enemies in the game.

But then, enemies like those would feel a little out of place in the traditional world of the series, wouldn’t they? So then we came up with the setting of this parallel world on the other side of a wormhole. And after that, we decided to make the story about surviving in this hostile environment while trying to get to the bottom of what’s happened.

And also from a gameplay point of view, we thought it’d be fun if players could use weapons, mechanics, items, and so on from past titles with other players in CO-OP. So as justification for that, we made it so that objects from various times and places get sucked into this parallel world through these wormholes. So in this way, the enemies, the world, and the nature of this world were all created around the game’s gameplay.

Single Play is harsher than players might think?

――What was the concept behind the game’s Single Play story?

KorekadoThe story begins from the fall of Mother Base at the end of METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES (MGSV:GZ), but from that point on, the plot is unrelated to the saga of the series.

To give you a conceptual idea, in MGSV: GZ there were “Side Ops” that were labeled “pseudo-historical.” Missions where you had Raiden eliminating Snatchers, or low-polygon character models from METAL GEAR SOLID making an appearance. Similarly, MGV is like an alternate universe that has branched off from MGSV: GZ.

――Does the player progress through Single Play using the character they create?

Korekado:Yes, the main character is an avatar character that the player creates. The player can set their gender and their appearance however they like. This character is controlled in both Single Play and CO-OP, and in the story, they’re a soldier who idolizes Big Boss and was at Mother Base when it fell at the end of MGSV: GZ.


――Are all characters that appear in MGV new characters?

Korekado:Some familiar faces from the series appear in the MGSV: GZ scene at the start of the game, but they don’t play a role in the plot this time around. There is a fully fleshed-out story to propel you through Single Play by yourself, and numerous NPCs appear throughout it.

Another thing about this parallel world is that besides yourself, other people have ended up there from various time periods. If you rescue these people they become members of your crew back at base camp, and as your crew grows, base camp itself becomes bigger and more developed.

――Are there unique characters among the crew?

Korekado:Of course! I hope you’ll look forward to discovering them!


――Can you describe the game’s survival elements?

Korekado:The gameplay revolves around having to do various things needed to survive as you make your way through the game. When you first arrive at the place that becomes your base camp, you have to do things like look for water nearby, find and hunt animals for food, and then prepare the food and eat it.

There are crafting tables at base camp, and you can use these to make new weapons and items from recipes and materials. At the start of the game you have practically nothing, but you can go out and explore with even just a basic weapon. Then you may find new materials at the new area you explored, enabling you to craft a new weapon. And so the basic flow of the game involves upgrading your character and base camp as you try to find a way out of this parallel world.


――So rather than passively completing missions that pop up, it’s like you’re forging your own path through this wilderness.

Korekado:That’s right. And the map only shows the areas you’ve actually been to. In the early part of the game, you have a small range that’s centered around base camp, but as you make your way through the game the area you can explore gradually gets bigger and bigger. And as the area you can explore gets bigger, missions that advance the story appear, as do sub-quests. By completing main missions, you gradually progress through the story.

――What effects does hunger have? Can you die from hunger?

Korekado:At the moment we’re in the final balancing phase, but the first time your character gets hungry, it’s a little overwhelming (laughs). But you can grow crops at base camp, and you can also build livestock facilities and raise animals if you Fulton extract them. So hunger is a lot easier to deal with in the latter half of the game. The first time you play it, it can be a little tough, and if you’re not careful you can starve to death. Securing food and water is very important.

――How is base camp managed?

Korekado:In this parallel world, there are other “castaways” coming from circumstances similar to your own. You can encounter them while you’re out exploring and bring them back to base camp. In addition to characters who just become members of your crew, there are also NPCs who play roles in the story. The way that base camp is run feels essentially like it did in MGSV: TPP. The scale isn’t quite as big, but you have multiple teams, and you take advantage of their capabilities by assigning personnel to them. In the end, this affects the growth of both your character as well as base camp.

In the beginning, the camp is empty, but you can use the construction feature to place various things however you like, according to your own tactical approach. So every player’s camp is probably going to look totally different. Players will get to build whatever they like in the space they have. You can build facilities like recreational facilities, and you’ll also have to decide where to place your Defense units, for example.


――Do enemies attack base camp as well?

Korekado:They do. So where you decide to place your production facilities is very important. And if you don’t also place Defense units and walls to protect them, they’ll be vulnerable to enemy attack.

――Tell us about the effects of injuries and how they’re treated.

Korekado:Your Life recovers naturally, but injuries can cause various negative effects, such as Life recovery stopping if you’re bleeding, or your movement speed becoming slower if you fracture your ankle. If you have the required items, you can treat injuries simply by holding down the appropriate button for a set amount of time. However, even if you have the items, this isn’t an instantaneous process, so one strategic element during the chaos of CO-OP battles is getting allies to protect you while you heal yourself.


――Was the Stamina element carried over from MGO?

Korekado:It was, yes. It has effects such as your movement speed dropping if you run for too long, and the weight of equipment and possessions also having an impact. With the heavy emphasis on survival mechanics, the gameplay is more sensitive this time around when it comes to Stamina actions. It’s a stat that players have to keep in mind as part of their overall strategy.

――When your Life runs out, is it game over?

Korekado:In Single Play, the game is over, yes. In CO-OP, if you get an ally to revive you, there’s no limit to the number of times you can come back. There are a lot of situations where if you help someone, you can end up getting attacked yourself, so you need to look carefully at what’s going on and decide whether or not it’s safe to help out.

――Do vehicles like four-wheeled vehicles appear in the game?

Korekado:They are in the game, but you can’t develop them. They just appear as objects that have “washed up” in this parallel world, and you can use them. Gasoline isn’t easy to come by either, so you need to be very careful with how you use it. If there are too many conveniences in this world then it takes away from the feeling of survival, but we did want to let players have fun by using vehicles to mow down the creatures in the game, so balancing this aspect was difficult.

――You’ve revealed an item called an air tank. Is this required to explore the game world?

Korekado:The area around base camp is relatively safe, and you can operate there without an air tank. However, most of this parallel world is covered with a toxic mist, and an air tank is necessary for exploring mist areas. You also need to keep in mind when you should turn back, as the air tank contains your air for both the outward journey and the trip home. So there’s this tension of trying to stay alive as you expand your area of operations.

――Are there other things to do in Single Play after you’ve finished the story?

Korekado:After you finish the story, the feel of the game becomes a little different. I think players will enjoy that as well. And then right after the game’s release, we’re going to start releasing additional missions and quests, such as daily and weekly ones. We’re also considering doing events like high-difficulty missions. We want to offer players hours of fun in both Single Play and CO-OPs well into the future.

In CO-OP, there are various ways to contribute to victory!

――What was the inspiration for the CO-OP battles?

Korekado:As you know, MGSV was developed using our FOX Engine. When you’re developing a game with FOX Engine, after you’ve created the geometry of a stage, you can then place and remove objects very easily as you actually play in the stage. This lets you balance a stage in real-time as you’re making it. This work of balancing MGSV became a lot of fun itself. So the inspiration for the CO-OP battles was this idea of making a new kind of METAL GEAR based on placing objects wherever you like and forming your own approach and strategy.


――CO-OP can be played with a maximum of four players?

Korekado:The max is four, but one to three players can play it as well. However, from a difficulty perspective the mode is designed for four players, so if you’re playing it by yourself you’ll find it difficult to complete the missions unless your character is pretty strong.

――When I played the version at gamescom this year, it was a lot of fun to mess around in that lobby-type area. What was the reason behind making that area?

Korekado:As you said, to have a place for players to mess around (laughs). You have infinite ammo and items while you’re there, so it lets you try out weapons and techniques. But really, you can take advantage of it however you like.

――In that demo version, there were “Shooter” and “Fighter” character types. Are these the two character types in the game?

Korekado:No, that isn’t the case. At game shows, if a player spent time customizing a character from the start, by the time they’d finish, their play time would be over. So in the interest of time, we created two types of characters, with various weapons and skills, and labeled them “Shooter” and “Fighter.” Those were just two examples of the customization. The game has no fixed classes, as those names may have led some people to believe.

――So it really comes down to which weapons and skills you select, right?

Korekado:There are skills for a shooter-type approach, and skills for a fighter-type approach, but you can set whichever ones you want, and equip whatever gear you want.

――Is skill growth determined by experience points?

Korekado:You use experience points you earn from battles to learn new skills. Which skills you learn are up to you, and ultimately you can obtain all of them.

――About how many weapons, pieces of equipment, and items are in the game?

Korekado:One of the best parts about the game is collecting new weapons and items. We figured players would want to have fun with their friends, so we put a lot of stuff in the game, some of it useful, and some of it just for messing around. Essentially, you find a recipe and materials and use those to craft something, but there are also rarities to recipes and materials. So for example, you may only be able to obtain a rare item by playing a high-difficulty CO-OP mission. You can also increase weapons’ capabilities by using upgrade materials.


――Is the series well-known cardboard box in the game?

Korekado:In previous entries in the series, the cardboard box has been an item used to hide yourself from enemies. But with the player going up against these creatures this time, it felt unnatural to be using a cardboard box to hang around them right in front of them. So rather than appearing in the game as an item for staying hidden, it will appear as a “gadget” with other uses.

――Something that’s notable about the weapons in the game is all the melee weapons. Why did you decide to include these?

Korekado:A core gameplay element of MGV is being able to place Interceptor and Defense units wherever you like when you’re fighting enemies. If you can do a lot of close-quarters attacking with that kind of system, it allows for greater tactical freedom for all the gadgets in the game, compared to just having long-range weapons. This is why there are more melee weapons in the game than MGSV. Melee weapons aren’t consumables like ammunition is, but there is a Durability stat, and after using a weapon for long enough it loses some of its cutting ability, for instance. But you can restore Durability by repairing weapons.


――Are there any very large weapons in the game?

Korekado:Yes, in Single Play, and also in CO-OP, where there are quests that have you battling gigantic enemies. We wanted to include as many mecha and weapons from past games as possible, so that’s the reason why in the game’s world, the wormholes suck up objects from various times and places.

――Is voice chat one of the communication methods available to players?

Korekado:Yes, there’s voice chat, radio presets like in MGO, and also plenty of gestures and other actions like saluting.

――Can players build their own in-game community? Like a clan or a guild?

Korekado:Matchmaking serves as the basis for the multiplayer. Players can’t form groups like clans or guilds. You can join a mission someone else has started, start your own mission for others to join, play with friends, do a quick match, or enable filters and search for matches. PVP battles won’t be in the game at launch. If enough players want to see certain changes or additions, then we may add those via updates.

――How are a player’s contributions in CO-OP calculated?

Korekado:There are various ways for players to contribute to their team’s victory besides defeating enemies. For example, in true METAL GEAR fashion they can stay hidden and gather materials, maybe craft a bunch of Defense units... There are many things players can do to help out that don’t involve actual fighting, and they receive points for these contributions as well.


――In other words, one’s skill in battle isn’t the only measure of performance?

Korekado:Of course, fighting skill is important, but a player’s other actions are also evaluated to about the same degree, so even if you aren’t good at fighting, this doesn’t mean you’re not going to get any points from missions.

――What kinds of rewards do players get for completing CO-OP missions?

Korekado:Items that appear in battle are shared amongst the team and then discarded at the end of the battle, so you don’t get to keep those. There are, however, rewards that you earn, and these consist mainly of things like recipes and materials.

――Finally, what would you like to say to MGS fans as well as third-person shooter fans who are new to the series?

Korekado:MGV is a spin-off of MGSV. The game was born from this desire to take the action elements and game systems that people loved from MGSV, add survival and CO-OP mechanics, and give players a brand new gameplay experience.

A core concept of MGV is being able to place Interceptor and Defense units wherever you like. This allows for all kinds of strategies, and I think utilizing these while fighting alongside teammates is going to be unlike anything players have encountered before. So I really hope that people try it once and see what they think about it for themselves.

And even if you’ve never played an MGS title before, the game is a lot of fun for the gameplay alone, so it would also be really cool if people were to play this and get into the rest of the series as a result.


