『ぎゃるがん2』のタイトルはなぜ2になったのか!? 新システムやヒロインの秘密に迫る開発者インタビュー
インティ・クリエイツから2018年3月15日に発売されるPS4/Nintendo Switch用ソフト『ぎゃる☆がん2』についての、開発者インタビューを掲載する。
→translated English version from here.(英訳版)
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▲左から中川さん、伊東さん。 |
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――PS4とPS Vitaほどの違いにはならないと。
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――主人公は新キャラ? それともこれまでの主人公?
中川:えっ!? 名前はないんですか? 知らなかった!(爆笑)
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――え? すごいマメに替えているんですね。
伊東:あ、違いました! 下着は日付で替えている仕様でした。あとは発生する依頼が時間によって変化します。
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――え? 学校で女の子を呼び出すんですか?
――保健室に呼び出せるとかあるんですか? 保健の倉敷先生がいそうですが。
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――それはドキドキしますね! 呼び出しができるようになる条件は?
――ヒロインだけでしょうか? 一般女子も呼び出せるのですか?
中川:一般女子を含めて呼び出せます! 先生も可能で、制限はほぼない予定です。
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――遊びのサイクルとしては、30日を何度も遊ぶということになるんですか? それとも10日目でセーブして、後からまたそのデータで遊ぶとかはできるのですか?
――同時攻略というのは、どのレベルまで攻略できるのですか? 一般女子や先生も可能?
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伊東:ええ、そういうことになっています! ちるちゃんは基本的にダラダラしていて、学校には行っていません。ただ、主人公には心を開いて、人なつっこいキャラになっています。
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伊東:そうなんですよ。社内からも「一般女子みたいですよね」ってよく言われました! 「そこがいいんです」って言い張ったんですけど(笑)。
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“脱衣昇天”は細かい描写が特徴! “防衛戦”や“探索モード”などの新要素も明らかに
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――Unreal Engine4になって、これまでと変わったところはありますか?
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Why is there a "2" in the title?!(英訳版)
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――First off, I want to ask you about the title. Why is this "Gal*Gun 2"?
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Ito:Of course we're starting there. (Laughs) Systems-wise, a lot has changed so we decided to go with a numbered sequel. However, there was some disagreement over the number.
Ito:Maybe more than disagreements, there were concerns. As the third game, some people said, "Shouldn't this be Gal*Gun 3?" but "Double Peace" didn't have a "2" in the name, so the titles wouldn't have lined up neatly.
――With the word "Double" in the title, we had the feeling of kinda-sorta "2" already.
Nakagawa:There were some fans who told us that "Double Peace" was enough like a "2" that they said, "Why go backwards?!" If you just think about the order of things, this should be "3". It did feel like we were making things more complicated.
Ito:We did expect this reaction, however. We concluded that being a bit complicated was just "The Gal*Gun Way" and went with it.
――This will be a multi-platform title. Which is the main development platform?
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Ito:That would be the PS4. While the Switch has handheld mode and different specs from the PS4, the game contents will be the same and I believe the graphical quality will be close.
――They're not as different as a PS4 and PS Vita.
Ito:Definitely, the gap is not that big.
――Did you plan on releasing on both platforms from the beginning?
Ito:We decided on the Switch version mid-development. I thought, "This is going to mean more work," but the Switch is portable. It's great for players who want to play it in transit or outside, and the shoot 'em up style of the game is not bad for portability.
――"Double Peace" took place in the future from the first title. Could you explain the time frame for this game?
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Ito:It takes place shortly after "Double Peace". It's about a few months later.
Nakagawa:The uniforms are summer-style, so you can infer that not much time has passed.
――Story-wise, is it after the conclusion of the incident in "Double Peace"?
Ito:That's right. Even though Shinobu and Maya appear, we don't touch on which ending from "Double Peace" occurred. We'll leave that to the players' imaginations.
――What role do Shinobu and Maya play in this game?
Ito:They are completely guest characters. You'll receive "Requests" in the game, and you'll get some from Shinobu and Maya as you advance in the story.
Nakagawa:As they are heroines, they are treated differently from the regular girls. We included them as a treat for fans of the last game.
――While the "Demon Sweeper" and "Lovestruck" state were also present in "Gal*Gun VR," could you explain about how these features came to be?
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Ito:While developing a game for VR, we included many new features we wanted to play with. Eventually the scope got too big for a VR game. Spending too long in VR can be tiring, so the development team proposed to split the game into two titles.
We used ideas we were unable to implement in "Gal*Gun VR" along with new ideas to create this game.
Nakagawa:Due to the development, the games might have a lot in common, but in keeping with the "2" in the title, we believe it will offer a brand new way to play for the series.
――Is the protagonist a new character? Or perhaps a returning protagonist?
Ito:He is "Me".
Nakagawa:Huh?! He doesn't have a name? I had no idea! (Laughs)
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Ito:In this game, he doesn't have a name. Characters will call you different things, like "Onii-sama," "Master," or "Sir."
――Will you do something like enter your own name, like in a romance simulation game?
Ito:If you entered your name, you'd want the girls to actually say it, so we won't have you enter it. (Laughs) While it could be text-only, we don't want to have to depend on the displayed text.
――That's true.
Ito:There will be text displayed this time, but it's more like subtitles on a movie, and kept unobtrusive. So, your lines will be displayed in the form of an "inner voice".
――By the way, what happens to make this protagonist super popular?
Ito:The pair of goggles the protagonist wears emits powerful pheromones, which causes girls to come after him. While they were supposed to only attract demon-possessed girls, it didn't work out. So you'll be approached by all of the girls, and have to handle the demons along with them.
Nakagawa:The technology in the world of "Gal*Gun" really is advancing. Before, the incident was caused by getting hit with love arrows, but now you've got goggles projecting pheromones!
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Ito:Your goal previously was to confess to one of the heroines, but this time your goal is helping Risu.
Creating a new way to play...but the most exciting elements are still going strong!
――The element of "time" is there, but what's changed?
Ito:One day consists of morning, afternoon and night. As time advances, appearances will change. Also, depending on the time, girls will be wearing different underwear. (Laughs)
――Huh? They're changing it very dilligently.
Ito:Ah, I misspoke! Their underwear will change with the date. Also, your requests will change with the time of day.
――You'll go to school in the morning, and then choose from the available requests. Can you choose not to take any request?
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Ito:You can choose to "go home." We're still adjusting the balance, so it may change, but generally you'll see your morning requests, then see your afternoon ones...and so on.
Nakagawa:During that time you'll also be able to "Rendezvous."
――Huh? You can rendezvous with girls at school?
Nakagawa:If you get along well with the girls, you can invite them to meet you at various places around the school. For example, you could call someone to the gym storage room and have her change clothes in front of you...or so you think. She'll tell you, "Turn around for a bit," and she'll get changed.
――Could you meet them in the school infirmary? It seems like the school nurse might be there too.
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Nakagawa:Whenever you "Rendezvous" there, she'll "just so happen" to be out. And so, you'll be alone, just the two of you.
――That really is exciting! What sort of conditions do you need to "Rendezvous"?
Ito:We're still working out the details right now.
Nakagawa:However, we won't be making the hurdles too high.
――Is this just for heroines? Or can you "Rendezvous" with the regular girls as well?
Nakagawa:You can "Rendezvous" with the regular girls too! Even teachers are included, we're not planning on having many limits.
――Just reading this far, it's hard to imagine what kind of game this is.
(Everyone laughs)
――How many days will you be playing for?
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Ito:Your time limit for defeating the demons is 30 days. Considering the number of events you have to see in order to get each ending, this number may change in the future.
――About the gameplay loop, will you play those 30 days multiple times? Or will you be able to save after 10 days and use that data to continue repeatedly?
Ito:The game will auto-save, so you would not be able to do as you said. After clearing the game, you'll start again from the beginning. However, as soon as you complete the conditions for the ending, you'll be able to skip to the final day. Of course, you won't be forced to skip ahead.
Nakagawa:When you complete the conditions for your target girl's ending, you can see it. You can also complete multiple at once.
――When you say complete multiple at once, what kind of complete are we talking about? Regular girls and teachers too?
Nakagawa:Not regular girls, but heroines only.
Ito:However, we're planning to make it difficult to complete multiple routes at once. We're treating it like a challenge for experts.
――The gameplay system seems pretty different from "Gal*Gun" titles up until now.
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Ito:That's true. Until now, the story would play out automatically as you played, but this time it's up to the player to decide. We're giving players the freedom to choose more than just the heroine they end up with.
Nakagawa:Of course, the core idea of using your "Pheromone Shot" to give girls euphoria won't change.
The theme for new characters is "Girl Next Door"!
――About the shut-in girl Chiru, what is her role in the game?
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Ito:She lives next door to the protagonist and is involved in the main story. A girl next door you can talk to through your respective windows; you see this situation in anime and manga a lot. Our reason for including a character like this is that I always wished for a situation like that.
――Ahh, that does sound like something out of a dream.
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Ito:Talking with the girl in the neighboring seat in class is also a standard set-up. So this time, both Chiru and Nanako are both your "neighbors," so to speak. Knocking on the neighbor girl's window so you can talk to her...that sort of situation.
――So do we get to see a bit of her lifestyle through the window?
Ito:She'll nap in her room or use her computer. Seeing her doing something different each time you look over would be nice, right?
――You're including your own desires in the setting this time, I see.
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Ito:That's exactly right! Chiru's daily life is totally lazy and she refuses to go to school. But, by opening her heart to the protagonist, she'll become more sociable.
――Will the story involve her reason for becoming a shut-in?
Ito:It will be revealed in the story, but I won't be revealing spoilers here. Your goal will be to finally go to school together with her.
Nakagawa:How unlike "Gal*Gun," a peaceful story like that.
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Ito:I mentioned her before, but this time the protagonist is approached by Risu, telling him, "I'm in trouble and I need your help dealing with these demons in 1 month." Through her request, you're half-forced to wear the goggles and give girls euphoria.
――What kind of place is Angel Ring Company, the company Risu works for?
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Ito:It's a company that collects Demon Buster Points by defeating demons causing trouble on Earth. However, angels and demons are forbidden from directly fighting each other in the human world, so angels must contract with humans to defeat the demons.
Nakagawa:There are some more details about them, but we won't be using them in this game.
Ito:It's actually a little dark, so we figured it'd be better not to go into it.
――So the story begins when Risu comes to the protagonist to help her earn points.
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Ito:That's right.
――So Risu's role is similar to that of "Ekoro" while Chiru and Nanako are the heroines?
Ito:That's correct.
――When I played for a little bit, I was surprised to see Nanako sitting next to me on the menu screen.
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Ito:In the morning you'll be sitting in class, and if you look over you'll see Nanako and can talk to her. You'll not only get to talk to her and see her reactions, but you'll also advance the story this way.
――Will Nanako always be waiting for you, or will she sometimes be gone?
Ito:She'll usually be there. For her design, I had the goal of a super normal childhood friend. The aim for her appearance was also to be normal. I also wanted to make a heroine who would make you totally relaxed when she's around.
――It's almost like someone who blends in with the other, regular girls.
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Ito:You're right about that. Plenty of people in the office said, "She looks like one of the regular girls." "That's what's great about her," is what I'd always tell them. (Laughs)
Nakagawa:Out of the main characters, Nanako is the only one wearing a school uniform this time. She's not even wearing a unique uniform, so she definitely seems like just a regular girl.
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Ito:Really, her ribbon is thinner and longer than normal, that's it. Also, her model is a bit different than the regular girls around the chest area...but it's not something you'd notice without being told.
――Is there any meaning behind her hair clip?
Ito:Maaaaaybe there is, maaaaaaybe there isn't......
Nakagawa:So that's how it is. (Laughs)
The nitty gritty on "Strip Euphoria"! Details on the new "defense missions" and "search mode" features.
――Have the regular girls changed at all from "Double Peace"?
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Ito:9 brand new girls have been added. Each of the 3 classes will have 20 girls in all.
Nakagawa:Well, it's about the same number as usual. Due to "pheromones not working," a few girls have been switched out, so look forward to seeing the changes to the cast.
――In moving to Unreal Engine 4, has anything changed from before?
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Nakagawa:The water looks great!
(Everyone laughs)
Ito:Mostly it's been easier to develop. Effects are easier to implement, so efficiency has improved; that sort of thing. Although, I've been told, "Let them know that skirts flip really nicely," so I'm letting you know.
――Well, as far as "Gal*Gun" is concerned...
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Nakagawa:It's very important!
――Did it come in handy when implementing "Strip Euphoria"?
Ito:Of course. The very day it was requested, the effect was ready to go. We're able to develop quickly.
――Other than the date/time element and "Strip Euphoria," are there any other new features?
Ito:For new features...we've added "defense missions" and "search mode".
――For defense missions, are those like the type you usually see in FPS games?
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Ito:You'll be protecting girls. Demons will swarm and approach girls where they're standing. The demons will stick to the girls and suck out their energy. The idea is to attack the demons and protect the girls.
――And you'll be able to choose your position and move.
――What is search mode?
Ito:You'll get a request from a girl who wants a certain item and you'll search through the stage for that item while girls attack. You'll need to fight off the girls and find the requested number of items before time runs out.
――Before, you'd find items on top of playing through a stage, but this time your goal is to find the items instead.
Ito:Right, the main objective of this mode is to find the items.
――As you demonstrated earlier, "Strip Euphoria" is where you use a powered-up Demon Sweeper to suck the clothes off of a girl and she gets euphoria from the embarassment.
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Ito:You've got it right. Although it's useful, you won't earn as much score, and we're considering making it break your combo.
Our final adjustments are still ongoing. For the "Gal*Gun" team, we start by considering the art first and working out the gameplay details afterward.
――In VR, you were only sucking up demons. Did someone say, "Wouldn't it be nice to suck up clothes too?" and that lead to this?
Nakagawa:I...do remember saying that I wanted to suck up underwear.
Ito:At first, we wanted to suck up underwear and leave the clothes on.
――You'd be able to collect underwear?
Ito:There was that.
Nakagawa:That was an idea we had.
Ito:However, we eventually went down a flashier route.
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Nakagawa:When I first saw the stripping feature, I didn't notice this from videos, but when I had a bunch of screenshots taken I saw. After the girls' clothes come off with a "pop" and they're sitting flat on the ground, for a brief moment they don't realize their clothes are gone. Their faces when they notice are really well done.
Ito:They land on their butts, so at first they're like, "Ouch!" before realizing their clothes are gone and try to cover themselves up.
Nakagawa:I'd like to praise my colleagues for that and tell them, "Great job."
――It sounds very "Gal*Gun."
Nakagawa:I really do think so, too.
――In the screenshots, there is one picture of Doki-Doki Mode. Is Doki-Doki Mode any different this time?
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Ito:It's certainly different than usual. The game this time is centered around the "demons." In Doki-Doki Mode, you'll have to look hard and find the demons hidden in the girl's body. When searching, you'll find signs of the demons and shoot it to make them pop out so you can suck them up.
――So, this time Doki-Doki Mode is for defeating demons.
Nakagawa:It's more for...helping people. It's not very "Gal*Gun" but it is very fun.
Ito:It's a Doki-Doki Mode for helping girls in trouble.
――In "Double Peace" it acted like a bomb, so is there any of that aspect left in it?
Ito:We have something like the "Doki-Doki Bomb," called "Lovestrike." So those bomb parts of Doki-Doki have been put into the "Lovestruck" system.
A product that won't betray your expectations?!
――Until now, with a rail-shooter system, players saw only what you wanted them to see. Since "Gal*Gun VR," with players having more freedom, how do you feel about them seeing things you don't want them to?
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Ito:Things we don't want them to see, huh... Of course there are, so we just had to go ahead and make everything.
(Everyone laughs)
――What I mean is, did you have to make stages more complete?
Ito:Of course, it's not great if players see things they weren't meant to, so we had to re-make everything. There are many different points of view this time, so we've made sure that if you look around, there are lots of interesting things to see.
It's not just the view points that took a lot of care, but the situations as well. This time, girls will approach you from behind and call out to you, so you'll need to turn around. Players using headphones will be able to listen for voices around them and turn accordingly.
――I believe "Gal*Gun" caused quite a stir at Tokyo Game Show; how was that?
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Nakagawa:(Looking away) Ahh, yeah...
――Who are you talking to?!
Nakagawa:We tried to make our play experience as "Gal*Gun" as possible, but I was surprised how many people said "I want to play it seriously."
Ito:We had wind blowing and a spinning platform, but there were players who asked, "Why won't you let us play it normally?!"
――By the way, where is development currently?
Nakagawa:I can definitely say that we've got no time to spare.
Ito:To give a percent... Shooting parts are basically finished, so probably 70%?
――So it's balancing and localizing the overseas version from here?
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Nakagawa:We're certainly working on those.
――Do you have any plans for a demo version or demo events?
Nakagawa:I think we'll do demo events. As for a demo version... Before, we had a pretty hefty demo, but I'm not sure this time. Depending on the schedule, we might have a demo some time after release.
Ito:...does releasing a demo really increase sales?
――That's a tough question.
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Nakagawa:It's pose a question in this interview. "Is there any reason to release a demo?!"
Ito:Releasing a half-baked demo can hurt sales, right? If you think about that, it makes you wonder "Why release a demo at all?"
――The thinking goes that while you might get some curious people to try your game, some people are satisfied with just the demo, or find flaws and decide not to buy the game.
Nakagawa:Just getting people aware of the game by seeing it in stores is important, but past that it all depends on the contents.
――Now then, do you have something to say to the "Gal*Gun" fans out there?
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Ito:We're making an excellent game this time, so please look forward to it. We won't betray your expectations...I think?!
――That was a bit weak at the end there. How about you, Nakagawa-san?
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Nakagawa:As always, I hope everyone will get excited watching our livestreams, visiting our demo events, and enjoying things from the outside. We're counting on your support!
Also, we'd like to thank those of you who participated in Dengeki's 5th anniversary survey. It caused a bit of a commotion and the results won't be published, but we looked at all of the responses and will be taking them to heart for future titles. We look forward to seeing your opinions in the future as well.