シンプル操作のオープンワールドパズル『Akurra』(Jason Newmanブース)【電撃インディー#226】


 4月23・24日に東京のベルサール秋葉原で開催されたインディーゲームイベント“TOKYO SANDBOX(東京サンドボックス)”。


 本記事では、“TOKYO SANDBOX”に出展された“Jason Newman”ブースのレポートをお届けします。

  • ▲Jason Newmanブース。



 Jason Newmanブースには、自由に行動できるオープンワールドを探索しながら、さまざまな謎を解いていくパズルアドベンチャーゲーム『Akurra』が展示されていました。


  • ▲レトロ調なドット絵がステッカーにしても可愛い!


『Akurra』とは?(TOKYO SANDBOX公式サイトより)

 "AKURRA "では、パズルで埋め尽くされた古代の島々を探索し、新しい友人を作り、秘密の力を解き明かしていきます。


『Akurra』JASON NEWMAN氏コメント

 About my puzzle design philosophy: A clever puzzle is better than a hard puzzle, and this part of designing takes a lot of practice and feedback. Getting feedback is extremely important to me. I request that friends and testers record themselves playing along with their reactions and narration. Or else I feel that I am designing in the dark. It is amazing how differently everyone perceives puzzles. A puzzle that might seem trivial or too difficult for one player, may be the opposite for another player. So I look for an average difficulty based on feedback, focusing mostly on clarity (things should work as the player expects, and I get a lot of insight into this from watching people play). I also try to make more than one solution viable if possible, with lots of ability for the player to experiment and learn on their own. Finally I provide optional content that is more difficult for players who went a greater challenge, this is easier to do with an open world design.

TOKYO SANDBOX. ©2022 kulabo, Inc. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy and Website Term of Use.
©Jason Newman

