スパイク・チュンソフトの2019年冬の注目タイトル、PS4『CONCEPTION PLUS 俺の子供を産んでくれ!』とPS4/Xbox One『メトロ エクソダス』を大特集!
企画第2弾では、サバイバルシューター『メトロ エクソダス』をフィーチャー。『メトロ』の作り込まれた世界観やストーリー、広大なロシアの探索についてなどを紹介します。
(C) Spike Chunsoft Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
(C) 2019 and published by Koch Media GmbH, Austria. Deep Silver is a division of Koch Media.Deep Silver and their respective logos are trademarks of Koch Media GmbH. Developed by 4A Games. 4A Games Limited and their respective logo are trademarks of 4A Games Limited.Inspired by the internationally best-selling novel METRO 2035 by Dmitry Glukhovsky. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. Licensed to and published in Japan by Spike Chunsoft Co., Ltd.