
【NGS ver.2インタビュー】新アクション“特殊兵装”やラインストライクの詳報アリ! 木村裕也氏と濱﨑大輝氏に聞く、2周年の軌跡と3周年から先の展望




 セガが運営するオンラインRPG『PSO2 ニュージェネシス(NGS)』。6月9日にサービスインから3周年を迎え、新コンテンツの実装や各種コラボ展開など、その勢いは衰えることを知りません。



『PSO2 ニュージェネシス ver.2』開発者インタビュー。過去の振り返りやドロップ率について、新アクションやラインストライクの情報など、プレイヤーが知りたい情報がここに









高レアリティ武器ということもあり、絶対に入手できるというものではないので、不満がゼロにはならないですが、現在は以前のように理不尽に感じるような人は少なく、 楽しんでいただけているという印象です。
























コラボも実は復帰ユーザーの増加のほうが影響が大きいです。とくに国内については『PSO2』から数えて12年ですから、一度は遊んだことがあるという方がコラボをきっかけに戻ってきていただけているのではないかと思います。一 方、グローバル版は3月にサービス開始から4周年を迎えたばかりで、まだまだ新規の方の割合が多いですね。


























































































































【English Version】NGS ver.2 Interview: The Scoop on the New Action Special Armament and Line Strike! Yuya Kimura and Daiki Hamazaki Speak about 2 Years of NGS, and What’s Next for Year 3

 Sega’s online RPG PSO2 New Genesis (NGS) celebrates its 3rd anniversary on June 9th. With new content and various collaborations on the horizon NGS is showing no signs of slowing down.

 To commemorate the third anniversary of the series, we are pleased to present this interview with series producer Yuya Kimura and series director Daiki Hamazaki.

▲Series producer Yuya Kimura (left) and series director Daiki Hamazaki (right).

3 Years Since ver.2

――First, please introduce yourselves.

Yuya Kimura:

  I’m NGS series producer Kimura.

Daiki Hamazaki:

 I’m NGS series director Hamazaki. I was the director when NGS launched, and I have been working as the series director since ver.2.

――Looking back on the past year since the 2nd anniversary of NGS, what are your impressions and reflections about the updates?

Daiki Hamazaki:

 From the second year onward, we focused on providing challenging content, such as the Leciel Exploration and Dark Falz Solus. We received positive feedback from the players who played all the content. April’s Leciel Exploration update was well-received, and I feel like we’ve been able to make content that can be played for a long time.

Daiki Hamazaki:

 However, one thing I regret is that we created an environment that made it difficult to play due to a series of content that had a high entry barrier, and content that was too difficult to participate in. We also could have handed the implementation of the ★10 Flugelgard series that we added at the end of the year better. We set the drop rate based on the fact that they’re very valuable weapons, but I think many players were dissatisfied because they were pretty difficult to obtain. Based on this, we distributed the Argenti series at the Super Genesis Festival to encourage people to update their equipment, and adjusted the subsequent ★11 weapons with an eye to finding a good balance between a realistic line for obtaining them, and a proper difficulty for obtaining them as a high-rarity item.

――How was the response to these measures?

Daiki Hamazaki:

 As they are high-rarity items they’re not something that you can most definitely obtain, so while we do have some complaints, I do feel that there are now fewer people than before who feel that it’s unreasonable, and I get the impression that people are enjoying it.

――How closely do you look at player response to drop rates?

Daiki Hamazaki:

 Right...if there are too many out there, then their resell value on the Personal Shops drops, and that doesn’t lead to motivation to go out and get the rare items. Conversely, if people aren’t seeing others post about getting them on social media, then people don’t expect to get them in a drop. We are constantly adjusting the balance based on user trends and reactions.

――What has the reaction been to items Not tradable in Personal Shop?

Daiki Hamazaki:

 The opinions have been mixed. You have to obtain it yourself, and you lose the opportunity to gain financially through a Personal Shop transaction. We are creating distribution plans that aren’t biased towards either easy to obtain but unable to trade, or hard to obtain yet sellable, based on each content’s characteristics.

Yuya Kimura:

 There are players who would like to sell drops for weapon types that they don’t need.

――Has there been any difference in the response to the drop rates between the Japanese and the global versions?

Yuya Kimura:

 The mixed reviews have been about the same. My impression though is that the global version is more polarized, with some saying they would prefer items to be more difficult to obtain, and others saying they’d prefer them to be available to everyone.

Daiki Hamazaki:

 Looking at the average of the overall opinion, there is a tendency for Japanese players to be more active in participating in quests and digging for rare items.

――Do you adjust the drop rate differently for the Japanese and global versions?

Yuya Kimura:

 No, we don’t do that. While it might be good to adjust things in accordance with play styles, it wouldn’t be good if anyone felt a sense of unfairness, so that’s not something we’re going to do.

――That is true.

Yuya Kimura:

 This isn’t related to the drop rate, but there are differences in the amounts of Star Gems that can be obtained due to the various campaigns. In those cases, we create opportunities for those who didn’t get as many in order to balance things out.

――How has the player response been to the Cel Shading filter that was implemented for the 2nd anniversary? Has there been in difference in the response between the Japanese and the global versions?

Daiki Hamazaki:

 We are aware that the response was very positive, with no negative responses. There have been no differences in the Japanese and global response.

――Do you know how many players are using Cel Shading?

Daiki Hamazaki:

 For the Japanese version about 40% of players are using it. It’s about the same for the global version, but a few more players on that side are using it.

――Could it be that the Japanese players are more used to how the characters look?

Daiki Hamazaki:

 This is just a guess, but when uploading pictures to social media, it may be because the normal display is easier to process.

Yuya Kimura:

 The global version has a higher ratio of new players to active players, so it could be that they have the opportunity to choose the display method first that plays a factor.


――What’s been the tendencies of new and returning players since ver.2 was released?

Yuya Kimura:

 As a percentage there were more returning players. As for new players, we haven’t been able to correctly analyze what hooked them. Ever since the update we’ve done a lot of things, such as advertisements and collaborations.

――Personally, I feel that the collaborations have helped to increase the number of new players.

Yuya Kimura:

 Actually, the collaborations have had the greatest impact on increasing the number of returning players. In particular for the Japanese version, it has been 12 years since PSO2 launched, so I feel that the collaborations have helped bring back the players who played PSO2 once. On the other hand, for the global version we only just hit the four-year mark in March, so there’s still a large percentage of new players.

――There have been a lot of collaborations, both in-game and outside of the game, but are they any that were particularly well-received.

Yuya Kimura:

 Hmm, we can’t really compare (laughs). For collaborations outside of the game, I feel like our collab with Fuji Q Highland was something new. We were a bit worried because it was a winter event, and it was different from the Lawson and Don Quixote collabs we had in every region, but the collab was well received and those who experienced it said it was good. We had buses decked out for it as well, so it was a good opportunity for those who don’t have any interest in games to get to know NGS.

――Did you get to participate in the bus tour?

Daiki Hamazaki:

 I did not, but I did go to the Popona event on my own time. The event was a lot of fun, and I was happy to get to talk with other players for the first time in a long while.

Yuya Kimura:
 I didn’t get to participate in the Popona event or the bus tour, but I did get to do some things in my own time at the end of the year.


――How about the in-game stuff?

Yuya Kimura:

 One of the more distinctive ones was our collab with Uncle from Another World. It has great affinity with the SEGA brand, and by making videos of Uncle playing NGS I believe it was extremely good at spreading the word about the game.

――How was the response for the Super Genesis Festival that was held for the 2.5 year anniversary? Do you have any plans to hold something like that again?

Daiki Hamazaki:

 The event was extremely well received, partly due to the distribution of the Argenti Series that was given out to returning players, and various relief measures we implemented for existing players. In response, we held the Super Origin Festival for the 3rd anniversary of NGS, and we’ll have the Super Phantasy Festival for the 12th anniversary of PSO2 in July. We are thinking to hold these kinds of events for anniversaries.

――There will be anniversaries in June and July as well.

Yuya Kimura:

 The true NGS anniversary is in June, but ever since the 2nd we’ve pushed it up to the end up April in order to open some space between the PSO2 anniversary. We could have done a double-anniversary kind of thing, but I think that putting some new content between two anniversary events provides an opportunity for more players to be able to try things out.

――What kind of content will be in July’s Super Phantasy Festival?

Daiki Hamazaki:

 We are planning boost events and extravagant item presents. We released the Argenti Series ahead of the event on June 5th, so players who are thinking of coming back to the game, and those who don’t feel confident with their current equipment can get those, and then participate enjoying the new content.

――Do you plan to distribute things in that way in the future for the casual player base?

Daiki Hamazaki:

 Yes. One of our measures is to make nearly-complete items available during the seasonal events. We are planning to provide some means for those who find it difficult to update their equipment.

――Does that mean that the dev team’s stance is that the equipment can be replaced?

Daiki Hamazaki:

 That’s right. That equipment is fine for during the event.


New Special Armament Action and Line Strike

――Will the new action scheduled to be implemented in July be made available during the Super Phantasy Festival?

Yuya Kimura:

 The current plan is for the end of July, so that will be after the Super Phantasy Festival. As we said before, we plan to release things alternatively between events and content.

――Can you tell us more about what kind of action it is?

Daiki Hamazaki:

 In a previous interview Kimura described it as similar to the Dark Blast, in that all of the player’s actions will be replaced with special actions. This new, Special Armament action will has its own skill tree-like training element, so it is similar in that way.

――I see.

Daiki Hamazaki:

 It has 4 different types of main weapons and 3 different types of sub-weapons. You fight with a combination of 2 main weapons and 1 sub-weapon from these types. Each armament has its own unique role and actions, as the combo routes change in complex ways depending on the weapon combinations used. We believe that players can enjoy finding out which combo routes and best for which boss, and what combos are good for fighting weaker enemies.


――Does each armament have its own skill tree?

Daiki Hamazaki:

 The special armament only has one skill tree as a whole. Each armament has its own skills within the tree. Special skill points are needed, so players can develop their skills as they play with the content.

――What are the usage conditions for the special armament?

Daiki Hamazaki:

 Unlike Dark Blast and Photon Blast, its usage in the battle field is time-management based. It kind of works similarly to a class skill. Future updates will include objects that temporarily increases the gauge.

――How long does it take to recast?

Daiki Hamazaki:

 There is no recast time. You can use it when your gauge is at or above 25%, and you can stop using it at any time. For example, the gauge may be at 50%, and you decide to only use 10% of it. In this way you can manage the gauge to use it for a long time. I believe this alone makes it easier to use than Dark Blast and Photon Blast.

Yuya Kimura:

 Sometimes you activate your attack but then the enemy dies and it goes to waste. This time we’ve made it easier to handle these kinds of situations.

――How much time does 100% gauge give you?

Daiki Hamazaki:

 It takes 9 minutes to build to 100% gauge, and from 100% you’ll have 2 minutes of usage time.

――There are 4 different main weapon types, but do you have any plans to extend these in the future?

Daiki Hamazaki:

 You can expand the possibilities through combinations, so adding more weapon types is a bit difficult. If we were to do so, it would take quite some time.

――How long before new players would be able to use the special armament?

Daiki Hamazaki:

 It can be used after clearing Chapter 1.


――The new content Line Strike has been announced. Can you tell us more about what kind of content this is?

Daiki Hamazaki:

 It’s stand-alone content, similar to the Casino in PSO2. It’s a card game based on a mining base defense battle, using cards modeled after PSO2 characters. The first player to destroy 2 of their opponent’s bases wins.


――How do you get cards?

Daiki Hamazaki:

 We’ve prepared a Card Scratch, so cards can be obtained through that. You get Card Scratch Vouchers from playing Line Strike, which can then be used to play Card Scratch. Battle Mode has four types of play – Ranked Battle, Unranked Battle, Free Battle, and NPC Battle. You can get vouchers from all the battles except Free Battle. Even if you lose you will still get a few vouchers, so the more you play the more cards you can get. Also, you can get a good number of vouchers from tasks and titles.

――Is it safe to assume that there’s no paid content?

Daiki Hamazaki:

 We are planning to sell vouchers and a starter set with AC. These are things that can be obtained without using AC, but if a player wants to get a head-start they can purchase them.

――Eventually players will accumulate extra cards. Will players be able to trade them?

Daiki Hamazaki:

 There is no trading, so players will have to collect cards on their own.

Yuya Kimura:

 A maximum of 3 of the same card can be kept in the same deck, so extra cards can be traded for decorative elements such as card sleeves and play mats in the Recycle Shop.

――Is it possible to make cards stronger by stacking them?

Yuya Kimura:

 No. This is a pretty straight-forward card game.

――It’s standard for a card game to have rare cards, but will there be cards that are difficult to obtain?

Daiki Hamazaki:

 There are strong cards, but when the game is implemented all cards will have the same probability of appearing.

Yuya Kimura:

 I might say that all cards have the same functionality, but some have Foil versions.

――Will there be any collection elements, like a card gallery?

Daiki Hamazaki:

 The cards are listed on the deck building screen, so I believe that practically functions as a gallery.

――How many cards are there in total?

Daiki Hamazaki:

 At first there will be 100. 200 if you count the Foil cards.

――Is there a reason why you chose PSO for the card illustrations?

Yuya Kimura:

 In order to celebrate the anniversary of PSO2, also we used the illustrations of a trading card game that we sold in the past, so those were all PSO2 characters.

――Will cards be added on a regular basis?

Yuya Kimura:

 I can’t say anything about a regular basis, but we do have plans to add cards. Of course we’d like to add NGS characters, but we’d also like to add characters from past series as well.


――How will you go about balancing things?

Daiki Hamazaki:

 We’ll look at win rates, usage rates, and player trends. Basically, we’ll balance things on the performance of new cards.

――It seems there are ranked matches, do we get any sort of reward for rising in the ranks?

Daiki Hamazaki:

 Line Strike is stand-alone content. As such, you won’t get anything like strong armor as a reward. We’d end up with players who felt like they had to play it and would be put off by that. This is something we want to give to players as a mini-game, another option they can enjoy when playing NGS.

――Can you battle against players from other Ships?

Daiki Hamazaki:

 Sorry, but at present you can only battle players in the same Ship.

――This was developed by dev team members volunteering their time outside of normal work hours, but is there any other content that was worked on in this way?

Yuya Kimura:

 This was our first try at something like this. Just so that there’s no misunderstanding, work is assigned to each staff member based on the update plan and scheduled, but sometimes work is completed earlier than expected, or since everyone is working together, there may be times when someone has free time due to waiting on something else to be completed first. We used that sort of time in order to develop Line Strike. It was all during normal work hours, so we didn’t have people putting in extra hours.


Yuya Kimura:

 Normally, such free time is used for self-study or training, but this time we used that time to develop Line Strike. We’ve held content competitions in the past, and the Portable Hologram that was implemented in ver.2 was one such idea. We’ve also had design competitions that included programmers, planners, and people who are not involved with NGS.

――Seems like a lot of work.

Yuya Kimura:

 Finishing their work quickly meant they had more time to work on Line Strike, so that created a good cycle in which they were more motivated to finish their assigned tasks.


――For the 2nd year anniversary we got the Creative Space, and for the 3rd year anniversary we’re getting Line Strike. For future anniversaries will we be getting more content that’s separate from the main game?

Yuya Kimura:

 No, we didn’t plan for this to coincide with the anniversaries (laughs).

Daiki Hamazaki:

 Consequently, the timing of coinciding with the anniversary was pretty great.

Yuya Kimura:

 I wanted to explain about the development process because I’m sure there are players who want an expansion of the battles and existing content. They probably feel like we shouldn’t be devoting time to work on a mini game, and we ourselves also believe that expanding upon the main content is the top priority. I wanted to show that we are on the same page in that regard.

――I see.

Yuya Kimura:

 Of course we’ve also gotten a lot of positive feedback, and I’m confident that we’ve made something good, so I hope everyone enjoys it.

――Switching gears a bit, before the corona pandemic there were trial sessions for new content, but would it be difficult to do that kind of thing now?

Daiki Hamazaki:

 Yes...we do feel that would be a bit difficult. But we would like to create opportunities to players to meet up.

Yuya Kimura:

 We’re not thinking of doing something large-scale. For example, an event for Line Strike held by lottery. Something on the scale of the trial sessions held at internet cafes when NGS first launched. Going back to those basics.

――Would dev team members also participate in those kinds of events?

Yuya Kimura:

 We might show up. However, this would purely be a trial session, so we aren’t thinking of having anything like a talk show.

――How about a food or drink-based collaboration?

Yuya Kimura:

 That’s something we’d definitely like to do given the opportunity.

The Future of NGS Updates

――If you have any announcements planned for PSO2’s 12th anniversary, can you tell us about it?

Daiki Hamazaki:

 We are planning a limited time quest. It will be a quest that features familiar boss enemies from anniversary events. Unlike previous quests there will be variations in the field, making it a fun quest to start off the 12th anniversary.

Yuya Kimura:

 As we spoke about before, we’ll be holding the Super Phantasy Festival for PSO2’s 12th anniversary. As we had Matoi for the 10th anniversary and Hitsugi for the 11th, this time we’ll feature Harriet.


――Does that mean we’re getting Shiva next year?

Yuya Kimura:

 Nothing has been decided for the 13th anniversary so I can’t really say anything. It could be Arkuma (laughs). We are planning to feature PSO2 characters for the anniversary.

――We’ve lost the voice chat feature since NGS, but are there any plans to implement it in the future?

Yuya Kimura:

 We have gotten feedback that players would like a new voice chat. However, the voice chat we had for PSO2 was in Japanese, so we’ve algo gotten feedback from global players that they’d like English chat. We are looking into if we can do that in the future.

――Now there have been several collabs that Japanese players enjoy, but have you considered any collabs that would primarily target the global version players?

Yuya Kimura:

 When thinking about collabs, we do consider how familiar the global version players are with the IP, but we aren’t thinking separately between the Japanese and global version. For example, Ghost in the Shell, Oshi no Ko, Black Lagoon, and The Seven Deadly Sins are popular overseas as well.

――That’s true.

Yuya Kimura:

 Also, even for the global version, there are many PSO2 and NGS players who have a deep interest in Japanese culture, so they respond well to IP that is popular in Japan. However there are subtle differences, for example weapon camo based on real guns is more popular than it is in Japan.

――We ask this in every interview, but are there any plans for new classes and weapon categories?

Yuya Kimura:

 We are considering it, but there’s nothing I can announce at present.

Daiki Hamazaki:

 All we can say is that we’re considering it.

――Is there anything you’d like to share that we didn’t ask about?

Yuya Kimura:

 We’d like to provide an update on the new field Nameless City, which will be available in June.

Daiki Hamazaki:

 There are 3 sectors in total for the Nameless City, of which only 2 will be available in the June update. We are planning to release the 3rd sector in the August update. It’s set up for players to make use of the special armament, so players who spent a lot of time with the update since June can enjoy themselves with it once more.

――What are the differences between each sector?

Daiki Hamazaki:

 The first two sectors are a different townscape, but the basic gameplay is essentially the same. The gameplay will be collecting points and opening chests, but the layout of the sector made available in August will change. There will also be objects to make it easy to use the special armament, and the enemies that appear will be different, including new boss enemies, so it will feel quite different.

――Can you give us any hints regarding future collaborations?

Yuya Kimura:

 Within the year we will have at least one external collab every other month. We have a collab planned with a latest anime, so please look forward to that. Also...there may be an announcement on Dengeki Online soon (laughs).

――Ah, okay. (laughs)

Yuya Kimura:

 Also, we’ll be discussing our road map for the latter half of this fiscal year on NGS Headline at the end of June.

――Finally, please tell us about your future aspirations and any messages you may have to the players.

Daiki Hamazaki:

 Thanks to the support of our players, we have been able to successfully celebrate the 3rd anniversary of NGS. Thank you very much. As PSO2 celebrates its 12th anniversary, we are very happy that players have been enjoying the game for such a long time. Moving forward, we will deliver a lot of new content, including new fields, Line Strike, new actions, and updates to the open field. We will do our best to ensure that you enjoy this content. Our first goal is the 4th anniversary of NGS, and the team will continue to work together to provide a game that our players can enjoy for as long as possible. We appreciate your continued support.

Yuya Kimura:

 We are able to celebrate NGS’s 3rd anniversary truly thanks to our players. As someone who has been involved with the series for 15 years, counting from the start of development on PSO2, I would like to deeply express my gratitude. Moving forward, the dev and operations teams will continue to work together to provide an easy-to-play and fun NGS experience for all players. Thank you for your continued support.

――Thank you very much.


■『PSO2 ニュージェネシス』パッケージ版
